Oriental Sicily Muti Rural Cottages | Contrada Muti | 97012 Chiaramonte Gulfi | Ragusa | +39 3334984831 |
The legend of Contrada Muti

Near our facility, one of the largest and oldest Sicilian oaks has been firmly rooted in the land for over 400 years. It is a Quercus Amplifolia, with a height of about 18 metres and a trunk of 450 cm in circumference.

But beyond its beauty and majesty, the great oak of Contrada Muti is linked to a local legend which gives a symbolic and social value to this beautiful tree.

Take part at our natural walks to listen to the stories of our ancestors and enjoy the quiet of unspoiled landscape.

On 19th December 2017, the centuries-old tree was included in the first national list of monumental trees in Italy, created by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.
