Since 1948
Since 1948, in the Chiaramonte Gulfi area, our family has dedicated its energy to the production of extra virgin olive oil. We love describe ourselves as farmers because we grew up with our plants and we are aging with them.
Why do we choose the name Cucikù? In our family farm there was an olive oil mill that was managed by our grandfather for 8 years. The old name of the olive oil mill was Cucikù and we are proud to use the same name for our olive oil, to remember these years and thank granpa believed and invested in our family farm. The old press is still here and we will be really glad to welcome you to see it. You can have also a tasting of bread with olive oil, salt, oregano and one glass of a good red local wine.
The area of Chiaramonte Gulfi is subjected to particular temperature variations between day and night hours, these are important conditions to highlight the unique characteristics of the agricultural productions and olive growing that, in this area, represents a production activity very significant.
We want to highlight the richness of our land: the Sicilian crop varieties that produce a high quality extra virgin olive oil that is also certified. In 2012 we decided to convert our farm at organic regime to guarantee the highest quality for our consumers.
Only healthy olives that are freshly harvested, are milled within 12 hours using the cold extraction method: malaxation of olives paste lasts around 30 minutes and the temperature is always under control (at less or equal to 27 degrees). Then olive paste will go through DMF decanter to divide the 3 elements that are olive oil, water and pomace.
Our farm is about 8 hectares with 300 olive trees of “Tonda Iblea” variety. There are also other types of cultivation: almond trees, greenhouse of black grape (black magic variety) and apricot trees.